lite conversions, lite fluff, rätt så WIP

edited 22 april 2011 07:07 in Warhammer 40k

lite fluff:

Espandor, Great Forests of Anreppen.

The roar of screaming engines dying down as the thunderhawk settled on the ground with a thunk. as the battle-brothers disembarked the transport they were met by the stern faces & hollow eyes of the remaining Espandor PDF. Clad in black bodygloves & the liveries of the great clans of Espandor, the Astartes towered over the PDF. out of the treeline came a group of five soldiers, each clad in clan livery, matching the livery of the Astartes.

as the irregulars came close, they continued on to the Astartes, their Difici pattern bolters slung in a ranger belt across their chests. Forming up aside the towering Astartes as their leader swung his leg atop a stone and leaned forward.

"It's a sair fecht" The Astartes captain bellowed against the assembled people. " It is not as a man descended from noble ancestry, but as one of the people that I have gathered you here." he took a breath, taking in the atmosphere "My scourged brothers, sisters. My scourged body, the outraged fealty of our families! The Tyranid has gone so far that not our very persons, nor our age or ancestry are left unpolluted. The Emperor shone his light on Espandor when searching for his lost son, he is on the side of our righteous vengeance; a legion which dared to fight has all but perished; the rest are hiding in the camps but yet some of you are gathered here." taking a step up on the stone with his arm outstretched in a rethorical gesture. he continued "The Xenos will not sustain even the din and the shout of our legions, much less our charge and our blows. If you weigh well the strength of the armies, and the causes of the war, you will see that in the battles to come, you must conquer or die. This. This is the Espandor Resolve; We either live or we die. that is all we get!"

the Captain took a step down from the rock, taking from his battle-brother a morsel and lifting it into the air. "By taking these, you accept the creed of the clans. By accepting the creed, you are inducted into the Highland Guard. part of the Espandor Contingent"

Each and every man, took one of the small packages, unpackaged it, unwrapped the textile and affixing the livery.

Jag har efter c:a 15 år valt att börja spela 40k igen, tack vare mina söner. har projektlogg på både dakkadakka och BnC, för mina Ultramarines smurfar, men tänkte att det kunde vara kul att ha lite på svenska med.

Just nu består mycket av att konvertera mina första två squads till TS och det har inte varit helt enkelt..

lite länkar till pics på nuvarande moddade figurer och modeller:

ancient casca, en liten dreaddy

de tunga grapparna

samlingsbild tillsammans med i stort sett scratchbyggt dreaddy torso

Och beställde 20 av dessa av Dea på Fantasia för mina IG behov. IG Support grapparna

Vad som nu är uppenbart är att det arbete sm jag lägger ner på TS mina Astartes (C:a 30min /figur) är inget mot den tid det kommer att ta för att konvertera infinity figurerna.


  • From the bleakness of the first onslaught, there had come new reports from the highland auxiliary guard stationed at Espandor. Tyranids, the reports said. The threat too much for the irregular guardsmen, too dire for a mere human, had led Calgar to dispatch a squad from the 6th reserve to investigate the woods outside of Anreppen on Espandor.

    Screaming through the heavens like a raven caught in a spinner, five hulking figures dropped down from the sky. The crews of the parked Tauros buggies raised eyebrows and readied the jerried Venator for transport.

    Lucius Vergilian, Sergeant of the "Lance of Iax" readied his men as he ran a spread spectrum scan with his occular bionics, this was the latest place of incident, but no apparent traces of the filthy xenos was left behind. just as he spun around to order his men, he noticed a blur of movement not far beyond, "Contact, Xenos!" throwing up his arm in the direction of ingress.

    contact, xenos! img2 img3

    Linjerna i GS såg mycket rakare ut och generellt sett inte så jävla leriga :'(

  • Bröstkorgen ser väldigt liten ut. Och lite kletigt. Ser troligtvis bättre ut med lite färg.

  • det är kameran som tar bort 10kg runt bröstkorgen! ;)

  • Släng på lite grundfärg snart, så man får se hur den ser ut.

  • gjort. ska dra på en saltmask i e.m så fotas innan dess. hörde jag ultramarines i ny basfärg? jajjebus. necron blue och vallejo dark blue!

  • jamensådärja. måla sonens tyranider med lite scales och annat roligt? inga problem. måla mina ultrasmurfar? äckligt och tjocka lager färg. mao. fail.

    så. figurerna är grundade i svart (gw primer) och jag hade tänkt mig necron blue som grundfärg. några andra idéer?

  • Mhm så nu har alla sentinel ben och dreadnaught torson kommit (och två vikts ihop) nu får ni använda fantasin ;)

    (Wille, det gick fortare att beställa benen än att charma loss de du hade ;) )

    på bordet är följande:

    Två Ironclad med scratchbyggda seismic hammers och hurricanes.

    Två riflemen Dreads (2x twinlinked AC's)

    och en beställd Dornian Heresy Ultramarines dread på alla fyra med rolig bestyckning ;)

  • oh ho hum... liten uppdatering.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    och så en bild så man får lite skala på det hela. 8

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