Ännu en tråd om restriktioner.

edited 4 december 2009 15:24 in Warhammer fantasy
Jag antar att rätt många hänger även på The warhammer forum.
Här är en grej jag saxat därifrån, själva inlägget i sig är inte så viktigt
men det jag undrar är vad folk tycker om att helt enkelt förbjuda vissa
magiska förmål/ gifts som man tycker förstör spelet?
Personligen så spelade jag Demonerna senast, jag ska om jag inte spelar med
bestarna skippa Pappa Nurgle och vara helt utan stordemon.
Iofs så kan det med det här systemet som vi har haft vara ett mer optimerat val.
Jag skulle inte gråta om vissa grejer inte får vara med.

I translated one of our local ARs (it is more or less mine). I don't think it is fit for the ETC, but rather for single tournaments trying to give every army a chance. Maybe the AR committee can find some inspiration in the category-specific restrictions... or not. :mrgreen:

All in all, the AR reflects my view on the game and how I personally would like to see it played, but I speak for Austria, a country where people are tired of turnaments dominated by VCs, Daemons and Darkelves.

(sorry for sloppy translations)

General restrictions/rules:

- all armybooks allowed (no campaign books) plus DoW and Chaos Dwarfs
- no Dragons, Greater Daemons and Special Characters
- max. 4 warmachines
- max. 1 flying unit and 1 flying character
- max. 40 models that can do damage in the shooting phase (warmachines, Gnoblars and Skink Cohorts do not count towards the limit)


Max 9 dice used per phase. Storing counts as using. First bound spell counts as one die, from the second on 2 dice.
Knowing all spells from a lore reduces the limit by 1 (Tomb Kings and Ogres excluded).
Casting a spell must never have a greater bonus than +1 to the roll, except for when using one-use-items.

Dispel limit:

Max 11 dice used per phase. Storing counts as using. First Dispel Scroll (and similar items) in the army list reduces the limit by 1, from the second on every Scroll reduces by 2.
Dice from magic resistances do not count towards the maximum.

Forbidden magic items/abilities/…:

Siren’s Song
Siren Standard
Standard of Chaos Glory
Great Icon of Despair
Pendant of Khaeleth
Ring of Hotek
Standard of Hag Graef
Red Fury
Drakenhof Banner
Helm of Commandment
Becalming Cogitation
Book of Hoeth

Category- and army-specific restrictions:

Category 1: Daemons, Dark Elves, Vampire Counts:

- 2000 points
- troops are +10% for calculating VPs
- max 2 of the same core choice
- max 1 of each elite choice
- only 1 rare choice
- max 1 of each hero choice (Dark Elves excluded, BSBs are NOT a separate choice)

- the rare choice may not be bigger than 5 Flamers/2 Nurgle Beasts/5 Bloodcrushers/3 Slaanesh Fiends
- elite choices may not be bigger than 6 models each
- every gift and icon may only be taken once (Spellbbreakers excluded)

Dark Elves:
- 2150 points
- max 35 models that can do damage in the shooting phase (same exceptions as for other armies)
- Manbane must not be combined with Rending Stars
- max 8 Shades

Vampire Counts:
- Fell Bats are not considered infantry for the Invocation of Nehek
- a Sorceror may not cast Van Hel’s Dance Macabre more than once per magic phase (Book of Arkhan also counts for this)
- max 4 Cairn Wraiths (including the eventual Banshee)

Category 2: Empire, Bretonia, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Warriors of Chaos, Highelves, Woodelves, Tomb Kings, Chaos Dwarfs, Skaven
- 2250 points
- max 3 of the same core choice
- max 2 of the same elite choice
- max 1 of the same rare choice
- max 3 chariots
- max 2 of the same hero choice (BSBs are NOT a separate choice)
- max 1 large target

- a Steam Tank counts as 2 warmachines and as a Cannon from the elite section considering the double-elite rule – it does NOT actually take up an elite slot)
- max 6 Outriders
- if the army contains Outriders, the shooting limit drops down to 35

Bretonia: -

Dwarfs: -

- 2150 points
- max 2 Disciplines per Slann
- a Slann may not be equipped with the Banehead if the army contains a Temple Guard
- Ancient) Stegadons used as character mounts take up the slot they would occupy if they were not character-ridden
- max 1 of each elite choice
- max 5 Teradons

Warriors of Chaos: -

- each rare choice may be taken twice

Woodelves: -

Tomb Kingsi:
- max 8 invocation dice per magic phase (Highpriest spells count as 2.5 each, Priest as 2, King as 1.5, Prince as 1, bound spells as 1 and Casket as 2)
- Chariot units count as 1 chariot each against the category limit

Chaos Dwarfs:
- Power Dice subtracted from the Chalice of Darkness count as used dice
- the min unit size for Hobgoblin Wolfriders is 5

- the army may contain 2 large targets, but only one of them may be a Furnace or a Screaming Bell
- a unit pushing a Furnace/Screaming Bell may not be bigger than 30 models (excluding SB/F and characters)
- the Storm Banner is one-use

Category 3: Orcs and Goblins, Ogre Kingdoms, Dogs of War, Beasts of Chaos

- 2500 points
- troops are -10% for calculating VPs
- max 4 of each core choice
- max 5 chariots
- max 2 large targets

Orcs and Goblins:
- max 9 Fanatics
- 2 Snotling Pump Wagons count as 1 chariot towards the category limit

Ogre Kingdoms:
- max 7 Maneaters

Dogs of War:
- max 7 Maneaters
- Menghils Manflayers are not allowed

Beasts of Chaos: -


  • Nja, de verkar i stort ganska OK men efter en första genomläsning tycker jag t.ex. att Empire verkar klara sig alldeles för bra undan (Varför inte banna speculum på War altaret? 4 Warmachines 9 PD och 40 skyttar räcker gott och väl för att skjuta ut det mesta) samt att VC blir för hårt straffade (2000 poäng? +10% på losses? max 1 Vampire hero? bara ett Rare? inte kasta Van hels två gånger ens med boken?).

    och nej, det har inget att göra med att jag fick däng av Empire med VC igår :)
  • Ser mer ut som ett inte så diskret försök att få bort alla "tråkiga" listor. Det ser inte balanserat ut, vilket seto just påvisat, sedan att begränsa likadana core choices? Att både begränsa large targets och rare choices? Sedan, var drar du gränsen för ett för bra item? När man rent börjar förbjuda saker helt tror jag gränsdragning blir ännu svårare än vad den redan är med restriktioner och komp.

  • Vadå max tre av samma core? det låter jätte märkligt.

    Sen tycker jag att det är tråkigt att alla drakar och stora demoner förbjuds. De är bra, men inte så jäkla hemska att de ska förbjudas.

    Att helt ta bort items ur en regel bok låter bara korkat, det är mycket bra och prisvärda items, det håller jag med om, men det är likväl en del av armen, och att ta bort det krånglar bara till ett redan krångligt spel.

    Restriktioner på allt för starka/spel brytande items/enheter eller till och med komp låter som vettigare alternativ, komp så klart som en avlägsen två :p
  • Själva restriktionerna har jag inte ens satt mig in i, men jag vet faktiskt inte om jag tycker att det är så dumt att förbjuda grejer.
    Dock kanske inte på en så stor turnering som fanatic, om man ngn gång hade en mindre "bara för kul" turnering så skulle jag tycka att det var kul med t.ex "inga unbreakable troups"
    bara ett exempel. Men Eldborn sammafattar mina åsikter ganska bra när det gäller lite större turneringar.
    Smutsmatcher kan ju vara kul ibland iofs, men det blir mindre och mindre intressant ju mer man spelar.
  • Efter att ha läst igenom det mesta så måste jag säga att jag inte skulle delta i någon form av evenemang med dessa regler. GW har byggt spelet som det skall vara, desto mer vi tar bort desto sämre blir det

  • Det där ser ut som ETC-reglerna, fast mycket sämre. Finns ingen anledning att göra annat än att vänta på ETC-reglerna som spikas före årsskiftet. F n ser förslaget ut såhär:

    Army Restrictions for the European Team Championship

    No army can be taken more than once;
    Army size: 2000/2250/2500 points (depending on category, see below) with semi-secret rosters.

    The ladder system:
    All armies are divided into three categories; A, B and C. Category A armies are limited to 2000pts, B to 2250pts, C to 2500pts

    When calculating victory points at the end of the game, once you have the result, then add 10% to any category A army's losses rounding off as normal. Any category C army would conversely have its losses reduced by 10%

    Category A (2000pts)
    Demons of Chaos

    Category B (2250pts)
    Dark Elves
    Skaven (to be confirmed in February)
    Beastmen (to be confirmed in April)
    Chaos Dwarfs
    High Elves
    Warriors of Chaos
    Tomb Kings
    Wood Elves

    Category C (2500pts)
    Ogre Kingdoms
    Orcs & Goblins
    Dogs of War

    General composition rules:

    - Armies are 2000/2250/2500 points.
    - No characters that are: special, named or Albion
    - No DoW or RoR in non-DoW armies . (OK may use Rhinox Cav)
    - No SoC armies.

    - Max. 1 of each rare choice (Max. 2 of each for Band C and High Elves)
    - Max. 2 of the same Special choice (Max.3 of the same for Band C)
    - Max. 3 of the same Core choice, except ranked infantry without missile weapons and beast herds.
    - Max. 9 PD/10DD in an army *
    - Max. 3 units of flyers (incl. characters)
    - Max. 45 models with missile weapons with a range of 20”+ (not incl. war machines, characters and chariots).
    - Max. 5 warmachines.

    *Magic description
    You can use a maximum of 9 power dice in each magic phase. Each bound spell you use count as 1 power dice, all following bound spells used in the same turn counts as 2 power dice.

    Every ability that grants the bearer complete knowledge of a single lore counts as one power dice in each magic phase.

    All dice you would not normally generate, such as Focused Rumination Slann free dice, Skaven warpstones, night goblin mushrooms, power of darkness etc., also count in the total number of dice you can use in a magic phase.

    Tomb Kings count each dice they use for a spell as 1 power dice and casket of souls counts as 2 dice total. They can not chose not to use all the dice when casting an incantation, for example a Liche Priest can’t choose only to use 1 dice on a spell. You can how ever choose not to cast a spell with a model. The 2 basic power dice all armies get only counts if they are used to dispel RIP spells with.

    Max 10 dispel dice per army. First dispel scroll (and similar working items) you have in your army counts as 1 dispel dice, in EACH magic phase. The second and all other scrolls, counts as 2 dispel dice in each magic phase. So if you have 3 scrolls you can use a maximum of 5 dispel dice each magic phase. Dice from magic resistance does count in this maximum. Being allowed to reroll your dispel dice every turn counts as 1 dispel dice.

    Dice removed by the Chaos Dwarf Chalice of Darkness count as dice used. You remove 3 power dice, you can use only 6 more in your magic phase.

    Race specific:
    DAEMONS OF CHAOS - Bloodthirster with Immortal Fury, Keeper of Secrets with Siren Song and Lord of Change with Will of Tzeentch count as an additional hero choice; Herald BSB may take either daemonic gifts or a daemonic icon, not both; Daemonic Gifts may not be duplicated (except for Spellbreakers); Horrors are limited to 0-2.
    DARK ELVES - Ring of Hotek counts as 3 dispel dice each phase; assassins counts as hero choices; Shades limited in unit size to max. 8; the Pendant of Khaleth counts as a hero choice; The number of Repeater crossbows in army may not exceed 35; Max. 2 flying units or characters.
    EMPIRE - Archlector on Waraltar with Vanhorstmans Speculum counts as an additional hero choice; Steam Tank counts as 2 rare choices
    LIZARDMEN - Characters mounted on Stegadons also use the relevant special or rare slot; Max of 6 Terradons in army; discipline Becalming Cogitation counts as 2 dispel dice. Max. 2 Stegadons of any type
    ORCS & GOBLINS - Max 6 goblin fanatics.
    SKAVEN - To be Confirmed in Feb.
    VAMPIRE COUNTS - The Drakenhoff banner counts as an additional hero choice; Each +1 to cast in the army counts as 1 powerdice in each phase.
    WOOD ELVES - Treeman Ancient counts as Treeman.
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