Hemmagjorda Special Characters

edited 15 mars 2009 01:59 in Warhammer fantasy


Vi tyckte det skulle vara kul att se vad alla har hittat på för roliga Special Characters:)

Här kommer vårt bidrag, Myrsloken, Men fyll på med fler hemmagjorda karaktärer!

//Härnösands Figurspelsförening:)


  • Haha, jättekul idé! :D
  • hahah älskar "lick enemys ears" dock måste jag säga att han är lite billig ;)
  • "During his long life he has learned to predict how the future is going to look like. Therefore Myrsloken always wears clothes that are ages before his time".


  • hahaha, bra idé till en special character! hur har du konverterat honom? kan du kanske lägga ut lite fler bilder? isåfall är jag väldigt tacksam!

    själv har jag aldrig konverterat nnågon special characters men jag har hemmagjorda regler till wood elf kentaurer om någon är intresserad av dem.
  • ?


    Jaha, så ett par jeans ger 4+ armour save.

    Kanske inte en särskilt bra idé till en special char.

    Men underhållande läsning.

    Hmmm, jag kom i min ungdom på några ork special chars.
  • "This weapon, although it is a spear, counts as a halberd."

    Måste säga att det faktiskt fick mig att skratta, vars är det logiska?

  • jag blev oerhört inspirerad av den här tråden och har gjort en special character på test.


    In the imperial year of 2237 the king of Praag had a son called Randu. He was a beautiful child with calm blue eyes and a big smile. When the boy was three years old he had a brother which they named Aranaus. Aranaus and Randu were good friends and always helped each other. When Randu was thirteen he turned out to be a good warrior worthy of Praag. Even though his brother Aranaus trained every moment he could, he just couldn’t match Randu’s skills in combat. That immediately woke jealous in Aranaus heart. When the king of Praag died in the summer of 2262 the crown passed over to Randu. With the coronation of Randu the jealousy in Aranaus heart grew even stronger and he only spoke to him when there was no other choice. Randu was a strong and handsome young man and ruled wisely for three years. But Aranaus had longed figured out a plan to kill his older brother and claim the throne from his head. One morning, Aranaus suggested that Randu should go out hunting. Randu thought it was a good idea and followed his suggestion. When Randu and his men’s passed into a forest Aranaus warriors laid in ambush and killed everyone except Randu who fell of his horse and hit his head with a rock and fainted. When he woke up he didn’t remember what had happened and turned to the north seeking answers. Randu wandered for three months in the wilderness until he passed into the realm of Chaos and was taken by its power. The power of Chaos returned his memories and used his sudden hate against his younger brother to change his mind and soul. They changed his name to Darth Bey-Blade and gave him eternal life, weapons worthy of a lord and a body half daemon half man. With his new mind and body he promised the dark gods to conquer Praag and offer his brother’s head to them. Today, Darth Bey-Blade is gathering an army big enough to conquer Praag and to kill his unknowing brother…

    Darth Bey-Blade takes up one lord choice.

    Darth Bey-Blade M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
    475pts 4 8 4 5 5 3 7 6 9

    The will of chaos, Eye of the gods, Fear, Hatred.

    Darth Bey-Blade hates his brother and would do anything to get his revenge. When fighting Empire, Darth Bey-Blade has the frenzy special rule. This does not apply to the unit he joins.

    Darth Bey-Blade’s mind is corrupted by the power of chaos. He is immune to psychology. This does not apply to the unit he joins.

    The armour of Praag:
    The armour of Praag was made by ancient dwarf’s centuries ago as a present to the king of Praag. The armour of Praag gives Darth Bey-Blade a 3+ armour save which is immune to killing blow.

    Blade Storm:
    Darth Bey-Blade’s shield Blade Storm is made from dragon skin and has four blades attached to the back. When thrown, it has the ability to kill even a dragon. Blade Storm gives a Darth Bey-Blade a 6+ armour save. Once per game, the player of Darth Bey-Blade can choose to throw Blade Storm at a single target (He may even target a character within a unit) that is within his line of sight. The player rolls to hit as normal, if it’s a hit, the target takes D6 Strength 4 hit with no armour saves, Ward saves or regeneration saves allowed. Though at the cost of losing his 6+ armour save.

    Dark Sword
    Darth Bey-Blade’s sword Dark Sword is filled with the power of chaos. This blade grants him the killing blow ability.

    kommentera gärna!
  • Billig och BRA, brukar vara en dålig kombo
  • edited 6 april 2009 20:36
    "This dosent apply to the unit he joins" ??? EN unbrakable kille i ett icke unbreakable block??? hur skulle det se ut??? Enheten flyr men han stannar kvar??? Samma sak för frenzy???

    "The armour of Praag gives Darth Bey-Blade a 3+ armour save which is immune to killing blow."

    The armour of Praag gives Darth Bey-Blade a 3+ armour save and is immune to killing blow. det låter bättre!

    "The player rolls to hit as normal, if it’s a hit, the target takes D6 Strength 4 hit with no armour saves, Ward saves or regeneration saves allowed. Though at the cost of losing his 6+ armour save."

    The player rolls to hit as normal and if it’s a hit, the target takes D6 Strength 4 hit with no saves of any kind allowed. When thrown, Darth Bey-Blade lose his 6+ armour save. även det låter bättre.

    Och så får han två armour saves, en 6+ och en 3+, inte en 2+ enligt vad du skrivit.
  • "This dosent apply to the unit he joins" ??? EN unbrakable kille i ett icke unbreakable block??? hur skulle det se ut??? Enheten flyr men han stannar kvar??? Samma sak för frenzy???

    Immune to Psychology och Unbreakable är inte alls samma sak. En karaktär med frenzy måste charga ut ur sin enhet om han kan det (om enheten inte chargar såklart). Dock så känns det ganska onödigt att han är ITP eftersom det inte överförs till enheten.

    Och så får han två armour saves, en 6+ och en 3+, inte en 2+ enligt vad du skrivit.

    Armour saves kan (till skillnad mot ward saves) kombineras. Ett 3+ och ett 6+ save är samma sak som ett 2+.

  • =) det var bara ett test som blev roligt imba...
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