battle at dragoncity 2! Vill någon hänga på?

edited 31 augusti 2012 09:21 in Off topic

Jag och erik öhman tänkte fara till sundsvall 8-9 sep, nästa helg alltså^^ kollat lite på hur man ska ta sig dit, tågbiljetter hamnar på 400-450 kr tur och retur om man är ungdom eller student. 600 kr om man är en gamfarbror. Turneringen har 18 årsgräns bara så att ni vet. de spelar 2500 pts fantasy och det kostar 250 kr om man betalar idag annars 300. man kan betala på plats också^^ tagg någon?


  • edited 31 augusti 2012 09:28

    Rules changes: - Characters will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th, Infernal Gateway 11-12 effect. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply. General Restrictions:

    • 2500 Points.
    • No Special or Named Characters.
    • Army used can be any of the currently published GW Army books. Forge World based army lists & units may not be used on this event, except for Chaos Dwarves.

    • A maximum of 3 identical core choices may be taken (regardless of equipment and other upgrades)

    • An army may have up to 4 war machines. Bolt throwers count as ½ a war machine(round up).

    • Max. 45 models with missile weapons with a range of 20”+ (not including war machines, characters and chariots).

    • All Battle Standard Bearers can take all the Equipment, their unit type has access to as if they weren't Battle Standard Bearer.

    Unit sizes are limited as follows: Units cannot be more than 40 models nor 450 points (including all command, upgrades, magic items/banners). This restriction applies during the creation of the roster - unit size/cost may be increased during the game (for example - by joining characters to the unit). This restriction does not apply to characters.

    Magic Restrictions: - Apart from Winds of magic, an army may only use 2 PD/DD per magic phase. After an army generates the limit all the other extra dice are discarded. This includes channeled PD/DD. - Player can use maximum 5 PD to cast a spell. - An army may use up to 12 PD during each phase. - You may have units/abilities that actually would generate more than 2 extra dice, but any excess dice are lost. - Some magic items/abilities count as generating dice toward this limit. - “Count as” items/abilities may never exceed a cumulative 2 PD/DD per phase. This means that player who already spent his limit PD limit, cant take more items which “count as adding PD” or add PD from channeling during game (same for DD). - All modifiers are applied from the army list and will not change during the game. Detailed description: Apart from Winds of magic, an army may only use 2 PD/DD per magic phase (unless army restrictions specify otherwise). After an army generates the limit all the other extra dice are discarded. This includes channeled PD/DD. If a dice is stolen from the opponent’s pool, but your army has already generated two extra dice, the dice is removed from the opponent’s pool and then discarded. Some special items and abilities DECREASE the limit of power or dispel dice you can add to the pool. We refer to those as “count as” items. What this means is that, if your roster includes one “counts as 1 Power Dice (PD)” item, your army can only add 1 power dice (instead of the usual 2 dice) to the pool in each of your own magic phases of the entire game (regardless of whether the item is destroyed or used up). Please note that you cannot have a combination of items that would decrease the limit of extra power or dispel dice to below zero.

    Item restrictions: - Any item that auto-dispels a spell counts as generating 1 DD each magic phase. - Folding Fortress is not allowed.

    Army Specific Restrictions:

    Beastmen: Beastmen armies have an extra 100 points for their roster (2600 total), Beastmen can generate 3 extra PD instead of 2. Can use 4 instead of 3 same core units

    Bretonnia: No Restrictions.

    Chaos Dwarfs: Hellcannon are 0-1. Iron daemon, Kdai destroyer count as war machines. Chalice of darkness counts as 2PD. Max 3 out of Str. 5 shooting templates, Kdai destroyer, Chalice of Blood and Darkness or Sorcerer Prophet.

    Dark Elves: Hydra is a 0-1 choice. Max. 35 repeater Crossbows (including characters and excluding chariots) in the army. Repeater Bolt Throwers 0-2. Harpies are 0-2. Shades max 20 models per army, Pendant of khaeleth cannot be taken by lord characters, player may take up to 2 of following: Pendant of khaeleth\Crown of command\Cauldron of Blood\Hydra. Dark Elves can generate 3 extra PD instead of 2. Max of 4 flying units. Dwarfs: Each spellbreaker/spelleater rune counts as 1DD. Grudge Throwers are a 0-2 choice. May generate Max. +4 dispel dice instead of +2. Gyrocopter doesn't count for max 4 war machine/template.

    Daemons of Chaos: Max. 35 Models per unit; All daemonic gifts are 0-1. Daemonic Battle Standard can have gifts if his magic banner does not cost over 50pts. Siren Song cannot be taken by Herald of Slaanesh. Max 6 Screamers in the army. Master of Sorcery: For Heralds of Tzeentch only it is a 0-2 gift and the Loremaster rule is removed; instead randomly determine spells (as a normal lvl 2) from any of the 8 rulebook lores. Soulgrinder 0-1.

    The Empire: Steam tank 0-1. Cannons 0-2, Steam Tank count as a cannon.

    High Elves: High Elves armies have an extra 100 points for their roster (2500 total). High elves army can generate 3 extra PD instead of 2. Vortex Shard counts as 1DD. Book of Hoeth counts as 3PD and 2 DD. Banner of the World Dragon counts as 1DD

    Lizardmen: Salamanders are a 0-1. Scar-Veterans 0-2. Player may take up to 2 of following: Beclaming Cogitations\ Focus of Mystery\ Focused Rumination \Higher State of Consciusness. Beclaming Cogitations counts as 2DD. Cupped hands of the Old Ones counts as 2PD. Higher State of Consciusness counts as 2 discplines (takes two slots, but cost same points). Crown of Command & Higher State of Consciousness cannot be taken on 1 model. A maximum total of 6 Skink, Chameleon skinks and Skink Cohorts units combined maybe taken in an army (Cohorts containing Kroxigor or numbering above 20 models do not count for this restriction). Max 1 of these in army Lore of Death/ BaneHead/ Feedback Scroll.

    Ogre Kingdoms: Hellheart counts as 2DD and 1PD, Greedyfist on death mage counts as 2DD, Rune Maw Banner counts as 1DD. Each Leadbelcher/ sniper Maneater with pistol(s) counts as 3 models towards to shooting cap. Max 3 combined units of Mournfang Cav & Ironblaster. 0-1 Ironblaster.

    Orcs & Goblins: Night Goblin Shamans mushroom dice do not count as power dice in regard to the PD limit.

    Skaven: All Skaven rare choices 0-1. Gutter runners are limited by 2 units and 20 models total. Engineers are a 0-3 choice. Can take max 2 of the following: Doom Rocket, Brass Orb, Storm Banner.

    Tomb Kings: Tomb King armies have an extra 100 points for their roster (2600 total), Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations counts as 2PD AND 2DD. Hierotitan is worth 1 PD so long as it's alive. Sphinxes of all kinds: 0-3 per army. Tomb Kings may generate up to 3 power dice per phase.

    Vampire Counts: Master of Black Arts and Blasphemous Tome upgradeare 1PD each. Etheral units (incl. Heroes) 0- 3. Red Fury and/or Quickblood abilities 0-2. Howls (death shriek counts as 2) 0-4. Terrorgheist 0-1. Max of 4 flying units. Max 15 mounted characters and black knights combined

    Wood Elves: Wood Elf armies have an extra 100 points for their roster (2600 total), Wood Elves can take 4 of the same core unit instead of 3, Wand of Wych Elm counts as +1 DD; Only Glade guards (including scouts) count for max of 45 models with shooting weapons.

    Warriors of Chaos: Hellcannon is a 0-1 choice. Infernal Puppet counts as +1 PD and +2DD; If you have warriors, knights and or chosen with marks of tzeentch in army then you can take max 2 out of 3 of warshrines and favor of the gods (2xwarshrines or warshrine and favor of the gods).

    Scoring: Victory points scored as per the rulebook, with the exceptions that: - Units that are fleeing at the end of the battle yield 100% VP's to the opponent.

  • edited 31 augusti 2012 16:12

    boende går och ordna för 300 spänn skallen

  • Mat ingår för priset och tillagas och serveras på plats - en fördel med att ha turneringen på en restaurang. Det finns även möjlighet att köpa alkohol, inom rimliga gränser självklart, från restaurangen.

    Länk till turneringens pdf: Alla regler och restriktioner går att läsa där.

    Länk till turneringens forum:

  • Jag (Jonatan Mossegård) och Chrissian Wiberg ska ner från Umeå, så om nån är sugen på att arrangera någon samåkning eller nåt så är vi säkert intresserade

  • Kan tillägga att jag var nere sist, det var en grym turnering :) Trevligt folk och lunch (som ju ingår) på Sundsvalls bästa lunchrestuarang!

  • Åker ni bil? Annars kan ni ju åka tåg med oss^^

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